Unique Experiences & accommodations in the USA

Unique Experiences & accommodations bookable through New World Travel Spend the night in a traditional Navajo Hogan by Monument Valley Simpson’s Trailhandler tours This tour will let you experience the original Navajo culture, traditions, and their precious heritage. It comes complete with a delicious traditional Navajo Taco dinner. During the evening a campfire will [...]

June 10th, 2024|NTW|

Another successful IMEX trade show completed!

Another successful IMEX trade show completed! Our joined trade show booth with colleagues from Aldiana GmbH, DERTOUR Hotels & Resorts & DERTOUR DMC Network was a real triumph. A huge thank you to all our valued partners and visitors who made our booth shine with energy and enthusiasm. Your presence and engaging conversations made this [...]

Kick-off Zielgebietsmanagement 2024

Kick-off Zielgebietsmanagement Ein inspirierender Start in den Sommer mit unserem fantastischen Team von Destination Manager:innen in Köln! Was für aufregende Tage voller wertvoller Gespräche und Zusammenarbeit, um uns bestmöglich auf den Sommer 2024 vorzubereiten! Ein herzliches Dankeschön an jeden einzelnen unserer DMs für eure unermüdliche Hingabe und euer Engagement. Wir haben nicht nur unsere [...]

DRV Destination Workshop der AG Kinderschutz auf Mallorca

DRV Destination Workshop der AG Kinderschutz auf Mallorca Children are affected by sexual exploitation all over the world - including when travelling and in tourism. Against this backdrop, the German Travel Association (RVD) is committed to the comprehensive protection of children and young people and regularly organises workshops in various holiday destinations to [...]

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