A vibrant Start to Touristic Season

A Vibrant Start to the Tourist Season Athens and Attica Welcome Fischer's First Charter Date: May 2024 As the warm breezes of late spring embrace the historic lands of Athens and its neighboring regions, we at DTS Incoming Hellas are thrilled to announce a promising start to our tourist season. May 31 marks a [...]

Kuoni Retail Manager Conference Takes Dubai by Storm!

Kuoni Retail Manager Conference Takes Dubai by Storm! Thrilling news from Kuoni! We, DTS DUBAI, recently hosted our annual Retail Manager Conference in the vibrant city of Dubai, welcoming a fantastic group of 40 retail agents from UK. This exciting conference wasn't just about business; it was about creating lasting memories and fostering deeper [...]


DERTOUR CAMPUS LIVE - BULGARIA DERTOUR Gruppenreisen and DTS Bulgaria organized a FAM Trip for travel experts to discover the almost well-known destination Bulgaria in its unknown faces as a cultural, round trip and group destination. The research trip was a mini round tour of Bulgaria and ended on the Bulgarian coast, where there [...]

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