First AID Course completed by employees of GoVacation Dominican Republic

First aid course completed by employees of GoVacation Dominican Republic. In February 2024 Our employees recently participated in comprehensive first aid course. Equipped with essential skills, they are now ready to ensure a safe and secure environment for everyone in our workplace. Their commitment to safety and well-being is commendable, and we are proud to [...]


DERTOUR CAMPUS LIVE - BULGARIA DERTOUR Gruppenreisen and DTS Bulgaria organized a FAM Trip for travel experts to discover the almost well-known destination Bulgaria in its unknown faces as a cultural, round trip and group destination. The research trip was a mini round tour of Bulgaria and ended on the Bulgarian coast, where there [...]

Fundraising campaign at DERTOUR DMC Spain

Fundraising campaign at our DERTOUR DMC  SPAIN Give the "old" office chairs a new lease of life. This was the motto we followed at DERTOUR DMC Spain - new office chairs for our premises and the old ones can live on in colleagues' home offices. The chairs were given to employees for the symbolic [...]

Medieval fair in Ibiza, May 2024

Join the Medieval Fair in Ibiza! The Medieval Fair is held in Ibiza during the second week of May. For a few days, 10th - 12th May 2024, the city of Ibiza is cast back to medieval times. Craft markets, wizards, witches, puppets, jugglers, jesters, knights, princesses, princes, dragons, falconry, artists and craftsmen, as well as [...]

MSC Poesia World Cruise

MSC Poesia World Cruise stopped for the first time in the Dominican Republic at Taino Bay, Puerto Plata Our agency, GoVacation Dominican Republic, organized an exclusive 4.5 hrs City tour from Puerto Plata for 1950 European and Asian passengers from the MCS Poesia using 40 tour busses and 40 tour guides . Showing them the [...]

Celebrating our #RecyclingHeroes!

Celebrating our #RecyclingHeroes! The Owl Rescue Centre is an amazing organisation that is dedicated to protecting and rescuing owls that are in danger and eventually releasing them back into their natural environment. We have been collecting plastic for the Owl Rescue Centre which uses these materials to build owl houses, bat houses, beehives, and [...]

Celebrations of Ramadan in Egypt

Celebrations of Ramadan in Egypt Ramadan is the 9th month of the Islamic calendar and is observed by Muslims all over the world as a month of fasting, prayer, reflection, community and charity. In Egypt, Ramadan is observed from 10nd March 2024 until 09th April 2024 (approx.)  If you visit during this period, you [...]

Kick-off Zielgebietsmanagement 2024

Kick-off Zielgebietsmanagement Ein inspirierender Start in den Sommer mit unserem fantastischen Team von Destination Manager:innen in Köln! Was für aufregende Tage voller wertvoller Gespräche und Zusammenarbeit, um uns bestmöglich auf den Sommer 2024 vorzubereiten! Ein herzliches Dankeschön an jeden einzelnen unserer DMs für eure unermüdliche Hingabe und euer Engagement. Wir haben nicht nur unsere [...]

DRV Destination Workshop der AG Kinderschutz auf Mallorca

DRV Destination Workshop der AG Kinderschutz auf Mallorca Children are affected by sexual exploitation all over the world - including when travelling and in tourism. Against this backdrop, the German Travel Association (RVD) is committed to the comprehensive protection of children and young people and regularly organises workshops in various holiday destinations to [...]

Erfolgreiche DTPU-Jahrestagung auf Mallorca

Erfolgreiche DTPU-Jahrestagung auf Mallorca Klimafußabdruck der Veranstaltung der DER Touristik Partner-Unternehmen wurde komplett kompensiert Die Jahrestagung von DER Touristik Partner Unternehmen (DTPU) ist bei den Reisebüros auf großes Interesse gestoßen. Von den insgesamt 130 Franchise-Partnern sind 100 Reisebüroinhaber nach Mallorca gereist, wo die Veranstaltung vom 23. bis 25. Februar 2024 stattfand. Der Einsatz von KI, [...]

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