Travelife Partner Awards for Go Vacation Spain

GO VACATION SPAIN SLU achieves Travelife Partner level Amsterdam, July 9th, 2024. The Travelife Partner level award was received today by GO VACATION SPAIN SLU (Spain). The award recognizes the long-term efforts of GO VACATION SPAIN SLU regarding sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility. GO VACATION SPAIN SLU complies with more than 100 criteria, related to [...]

Juli 18, 2024|


THE CARRIBEAN GOLD COAST AWARDS Goes to  Zobeyda Vargas de Musa GoVacation Dominican Republic is thrilled to announce that our esteemed Operation Manager, Zobeyda Vargas de Musa, has been recognized by the Caribbean Gold Coast Awards for her exceptional contributions to tourism development in the Dominican Republic destination. With over 36 years of dedicated service, [...]

Juli 1, 2024|

DTS Incoming Hellas S.A. achieves Travelife Partner level

DTS Incoming Hellas S.A. achieves Travelife Partner level Amsterdam, June 18th, 2024. The Travelife Partner level award was received today by DTS Incoming Hellas S.A. (Greece). The award recognizes the long-term efforts of DTS Incoming Hellas S.A. regarding sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility. DTS Incoming Hellas S.A. complies with more than 100 criteria, related to [...]

Juni 27, 2024|

International Recycling Day 2024

On May 17, the International Recycling Day is celebrated, proclaimed by UNESCO in 2005, with the aim of remembering the importance of recycling our waste, reducing the volumes of waste generated and reusing materials in order to reduce our carbon footprint, conserve our natural resources and protect the environment. To honor this special day, on May [...]

Juni 17, 2024|

World Bee Day

World Bee Day Raising awareness about the critical role of bees World Bee Day is a global celebration that raises awareness about the critical role of bees in sustaining ecosystems and supporting biodiversity. On this day, we honor the incredible contributions of bees to our planet, recognizing their vital role in pollination and food production. [...]

Mai 20, 2024|

First AID Course completed by employees of GoVacation Dominican Republic

First aid course completed by employees of GoVacation Dominican Republic. In February 2024 Our employees recently participated in comprehensive first aid course. Equipped with essential skills, they are now ready to ensure a safe and secure environment for everyone in our workplace. Their commitment to safety and well-being is commendable, and we are proud to have [...]

April 29, 2024|

Fundraising campaign at DERTOUR DMC Spain

Fundraising campaign at our DERTOUR DMC  SPAIN Give the "old" office chairs a new lease of life. This was the motto we followed at DERTOUR DMC Spain - new office chairs for our premises and the old ones can live on in colleagues' home offices. The chairs were given to employees for the symbolic value [...]

April 22, 2024|

Celebrating our #RecyclingHeroes!

Celebrating our #RecyclingHeroes! The Owl Rescue Centre is an amazing organisation that is dedicated to protecting and rescuing owls that are in danger and eventually releasing them back into their natural environment. We have been collecting plastic for the Owl Rescue Centre which uses these materials to build owl houses, bat houses, beehives, and more. [...]

April 11, 2024|

Erfolgreiche DTPU-Jahrestagung auf Mallorca

Erfolgreiche DTPU-Jahrestagung auf Mallorca Klimafußabdruck der Veranstaltung der DER Touristik Partner-Unternehmen wurde komplett kompensiert Die Jahrestagung von DER Touristik Partner Unternehmen (DTPU) ist bei den Reisebüros auf großes Interesse gestoßen. Von den insgesamt 130 Franchise-Partnern sind 100 Reisebüroinhaber nach Mallorca gereist, wo die Veranstaltung vom 23. bis 25. Februar 2024 stattfand. Der Einsatz von KI, und [...]

März 14, 2024|

Congratulations on achieving Travelife Partner!

Go Caribic, Dom. Rep. achieves Travelife Partner level The Travelife Partner level award was received today by Go Caribic, Dom. Rep. (Dominican Republic). The award recognizes the long-term efforts of Go Caribic, Dom. Rep. regarding sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility. Go Caribic, Dom. Rep. complies with more than 100 criteria, related to an operator’s office [...]

Februar 26, 2024|

Sustainability Award

Sustainability Award Our sustainability partner Eesha Singh from  No Footprints received the The Association of Women Travel Executives (AWTE) Annual Award for the amazing work which is being carried out breaking down barriers in India with the first LGBT+ tour. The Inclusion Award which was presented to her recognized the travel brand that has shown [...]

Februar 15, 2024|
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